We lived to use and used to live.
Then PLEASE WATCH THIS LECTURE here ,,,,,,Kent State lecture
Osher Center for Integrative Medicine presents Mini Medical School for the Public,
9 out of 10 people with substance abuse problems started using by age 18.
Understand withdrawals
William porters book Alcohol Explained is by far the most comprehensive.
Conversation About Addiction with Gabor Maté
Dr. Mate is a best-selling author/speaker on the subject of addiction, stress, childhood development and other topics. Arold Langeveld is a nonduality teacher and addiction counselor in the Netherlands. He worked in several addiction clinics using nonduality principles in his therapy. In this panel, the two will address how addiction is not about the substance or activity, but about the pain of the individual addicted. Dr. Mate will provide his expertise and vast working knowledge of the brain and child development and other issues related to addiction.
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari
What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do — and if there might be a better way. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference.
The reality and getting started
Consider Secondary recovery systems and process we may be enmeshed in.
Co dependence no more
The Family systems and shame
Daily plan…a day at a time…
Relapse Prevention Strategies
First things first
Time Management - How to clean up your schedule so you can get more stuff done with less stress.
Relapse prevention
Relapse process
First things first
Recovery Management - Success in your recovery depends on having and consistently using all the tools available to you.
Understand triggers
This video presents an understanding of emotional triggers along with a simple technique for quieting them so they cease to interfere with your life.
Manipulative Relationships we create or grew up in .

For more than 50,000 years there were over 200 different groups of people living on the landmass now referred to as Australia. All of these groups formed a strong understanding of the land. This knowledge was passed down through thousands of generations.
J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard
"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all— in which case, you fail by default."
Combatting Procrastination with Dr. Bill Knaus
A must 4 part video study and fix
Maladaptive Daydreaming & Extreme Fantasizing | How to Control It
Maladaptive daydreaming is a form of dissociation, extreme fantasizing. It is usually when an individual spends more time in their mind (inner world) and neglects their outer world. Many times it is a coping mechanism for anxiety, stress, depression, etc. And, this is an excellent way of releasing those negative emotions and feeling, but just not when it becomes problematic and addicting.
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery program, to co-work with NA meetings, and why addiction should not a be considered a disease.
Smart Tools
Jonathon von Breton presents the SMART Recovery Toolbox at the 2014 SMART Recovery Annual Conference at the National Geographic Society Headqurters in Washington DC.
Relapse Prevention
Guy Lamunyon talks about relapse prevention in addiction recovery at the 2013 SMART Recovery Annual Conference in San Diego
Dr. Joe Gerstein, founding president of SMART Recovery, talks about SMART, motivation, and the hierarchy of values.
What is SMART Recovery !!!
Looking for support with your addiction recovery? SMART Recovery may be for you. The SMART Recovery approach brings science and reason to self-help with addictive behaviors, and can work with alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, substance abuse, and other types of unwanted addictions and addictive behaviors. For more information, visit http://www.smartrecovery.org Discover the Power of Choice!
CBT Tools
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for short is one of the main therapeutic modalities used by therapists. This is because it is empirically valid and proven to treat anxiety and depression of early recovery.
Daily CBT Techniques For Anxiety
Motivational speaker applied Action to change
Cognitive Distortions
Cognitive Distortions....you got them....as In mental disorder: Cognitive psychotherapy …based on the premise that maladaptive thinking causes and maintains emotional problems. Maladaptive thinking may refer to a belief that is false and rationally unsupported—what Ellis called an “irrational belief.” An example of such a belief is that one must be loved and approved of by everyone in order to…
What is going on in a Group.
The Dynamics and Benefits of Group Therapy
Dr. Cheri L. Marmarosh, a full-time associate professor of professional psychology at the George Washington University and a licensed psychologist. She has published numerous empirical and theoretical articles that focus on how group and individual therapy facilitate change.
Understanding Group Dynamics
Understanding Group Dynamics Really, you are the leader of a small group. All groups have dynamics. Group dynamics are the interactions between group members and how your group interacts with other groups. Today we'll explore this interaction known as Group Dynamics.
Social Groups like NA
How do the groups that you're part of affect you? How do you, in turn, affect those groups? Today we are talking about how people in society come together with a look at social groups. We’ll look at what social groups are, the different kinds of groups that exist, group dynamics, leadership, conformity, networks and more!
Relationshipsare the number on cause of relapse …
How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People
How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People - Strategies for cutting toxic people out of your life or limiting their influence on you.
How to Recognize a Toxic Relationship
Here is a list of some behaviors that I believe should be considered red flags, that you do NOT ignore or think they’ll just go away with time. They’re also not transient behaviors that you see when someone is going through a bad patch. These are behaviors or attitudes that persist over time regardless of the circumstances. 1. Chronic anger 2. Chronic sarcasm. 3. Disparaging humor. 4. Having a Punitive mindset. o 5. Controlling nature 6. Excessive insecurity 7. Extremely opinionated 8. The Manipulator. 9. Predominate self-centeredness 10. Need to be on the offense. If you grew up around someone who did some of these things, you may find yourself being attracted to similar people even though you don't like their behavior. Even objectionable behavior can feel familiar and comfortable at some level
7 Methods of Manipulation
4:11 Gaslighting 7:28 Becoming a Rage Machine 9:55 Hijacking the Issue 12:59 Ultimatums 14:03 Narrowing Your Options 16:57 Enforce Non-Existing Contracts 22:15 Using Identities Against You
Being Assertive is a learnt technique the Must have book is (When I Say No, I Feel Guilty)
How to Be More Assertive: 7 Tips
Learning how to be more assertive can massively improve your relationships and your overall confidence. When you can express yourself assertively and speak up for yourself, other people respect you more. Even more importantly, you respect yourself. In this video, I share 7 specific tips and techniques for how you can communicate more assertively...without being a jerk
More Assertive
Aggressive, Assertive, Passive, and Passive Aggressive Examples
What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?
Learning how to be more assertive can massively improve your relationships and your overall confidence. When you can express yourself assertively and speak up for yourself, other people respect you more. Even more importantly, you respect yourself. In this video, I share 7 specific tips and techniques for how you can communicate more assertively...without being a jerk This brief introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) takes you through the development history, theory that underpins ACT: relation frame theory (RFT), and practice of ACT. Get your free acceptance and commitment therapy self-help ebook: http://eepurl.com/c9X9jn
Tony Robbins Tips On Changing The Way You Feel
Learn to Breath to Control Life our 1st Step
Buteyko Breathing
How to do Buteyko Breathing Exercises properly? In this video Patrick McKeown will share Buteyko Breathing Exercises and how you breathe when you are stressed. Also difference between fast breathing and slow breathing. When you are stressed do you breathe more or do you breathe less? Generally we start breathing more. We breathe faster, we breathe more noticeable, we breathe through mouth. Breathing During Stress -Faster -Sigh more (irregular) -Oral breathing -Noticeable breathing -Upper chest breathing Breathing to Evoke Relaxation -Slow down -Regular -Nose breathing -Soft breathing -Diaphragm breathing
Buteyko breathing
Buteyko breathing, developed in 1952 by Dr Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, (Bhew-tae-ko) is a breathing technique designed to improve functional breathing patterns. It is often used to help with:
1. Respiratory: asthma, rhinitis, hayfever
2. Neurological: Anxiety, stress and panic attacks
3. Sleep disordered breathing: insomnia, snoring, central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea at SST we teach our clients this simple self care breathing technique, to help people recovering from chronic pain conditions, reduce anxiety levels, and create a more resilient nervous system. Try this simple technique for yourself, first thing in the morning, and right before bed time… let us know what you notice after trying this for just one week